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Promote your live music, karaoke or open mic jam session event on syndicated calendar(Submit your event once and post EVERYWHERE!!!). Artists, Bands, karaoke and open mic hosts can promote their events for FREE!
Instructions to submit events.
1. Register on the site. after registering an email will be sent with a link that will allow you to set your password.
2. Once you have done that login.
3. In title field type arts, band  name, karaoke, open mic jam then the name of the location. ex “abc band xyz bar & grill” “Karaoke xyz bar” open mic jam xyz bar”. *
4. Indicate date and time of event and also if it’s a repeating event. “daily, monthly, custom”
5. In event details field. include information in title as a sentence and include a couple of sentences about the artist, band etc.*
6. Select a category. ” live music, karaoke. open mic jam session”. add an artist or band name as additional category if you would like a calendar for your site.
7. Select an image to upload. if you do not have one a location logo, band or artist photo is acceptable. if non are available there are sites listed below where you can get royalty free images to use and image editors to include txt.
8. Submit event event will be published soon as it is approved.
*(Doing it this way makes it easy to find and list by search engines and will assure that your event will appear in searches results and event listings) for you and the location

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